Every person has habits and no-one really likes to part with their habits. This can be related in any way to anything in our everyday life. Once you feel comfortable and at ease in a "space" (metaphorically) or situation, it is hard to let go and get rid of it. Adapting to new situations by shedding old patterns and trying to fill gaps with something new can be challenging. In relation to the theme of "Letting go," I am addressing the issue of (developing and letting go of) habits in my work. What habits do I have and can I break away from them? What do I make of them and is it possible to create something new despite losing them?
I am filling a box with objects that represent and symbolise my habits. Simple things like a pencil that stands for my love to drawing, writing or creating with hands. (The objects: book, pencil, headphones, cigarettes, nuts, chessboard figure, a pair of two different looking socks, coffee chocolate, scented candle, creole earrings, lipstick)
This box is the starting point for this painting, which picks up some of the objects and abstracts them.
Then I take the box with me and distribute the objects to strangers on the streets in order to get rid of them. Letting go of my "habits", a longer process. The people can take whatever they want from the box, only under the condition of giving something in return. That is how my familiar personal things get replaced by new strange and unfamiliar objects. 
Coming back home, I received new objects that symbolise a new beginning. Loss and gaps are filled anew. (New objects: Period pad, Money, Lighter, city map, Salt/pepper, Paper clip, Cough drops, Granola bar, Cell phone case, Tea bag) 
Throughout this new situation, I started painting another picture. I associated some meanings to the objects and made out a new story. The new objects made it happen for me to draw this painting. 
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